Could he have inherited this RHYTHM from Angelina or Brad?
New style icon : done. Worthy fashion heiress of his mother of him: done too. But, beyond her looks, we know little about what Shiloh Jolie Pitt does in her life. The soon -to-be -16-year-old teenager is a real mystery but someone has leaked a (seemingly recent) video of her revealing a VERY important detail about Shi that not many might have expected. And did you know that she dances PHENOMENAL? Yes, we are only at the beginning of February and the STRONGEST thing you are going to see in 2022 is Shiloh dancing .
Shiloh has been attending dance classes for some time, but no one outside the school and her immediate environment knew how this activity evolved. And bingo! We have been able to verify with our own eyes that the young woman dances SUPER well . Her thing is modern dance and we would classify the discipline that she executes in the video as funky .
Shi is seen very dedicated, super concentrated and executing the movements with great ease . But what a surprise! Will she want to pursue it professionally or is she an amateur dancer? Of course, living in Los Angeles, she has everything very close at hand to dedicate herself to any profession related to the world of entertainment.
Will he have inherited it from Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie? Well, it is not known, but perhaps Shiloh has a natural talent that does not come from anywhere other than passion and practice.
Why Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is not news (although it seems otherwise)
Talking about transition, transsexuality and hormones of a minor without their own parents having confirmed them is a very delicate matter.
” Shiloh loves to wear men’s clothing, he’s a cutie,” Angelina Jolie said years ago in an interview . Both Brad Pitt and she have always been very honest about something as obvious as her daughter does not like to wear girls’ clothes and have even said on occasion that she loves being called John or Peter. Beyond that, her family has never uttered the words ‘transition’ or ‘transgender’ and they have simply shown their support for the girl, aged 11, in not wearing the look that society has established that she should wear. We know little about her identity (sexually or as a person) beyond the fact that she likes to play soccer -something more than usual also for girls in the 21st century- and that she has learned to speak a Cambodian language .
For some unknown reason, and we do not know if it coincides with the World Pride that is taking place at the moment, it has begun to be spoken openly and citing sources as reliable as ‘according to some media’ that Shiloh has begun his transition treatment. As we have seen for years, the Jolie-Pitts have always been open about their many children and pose with them in front of photographers. They also don’t fear paparazzi or demand that their faces be pixelated. Perhaps by showing that closeness they want to keep rumors about them away, in addition to preventing media harassment. And perhaps that is why, if this information has reached you, you must be totally disconcerted.. After all, little Shi is a minor and they are linking her to a very sensitive and delicate issue.
Brad and Angelina are ambassadors for many just causes : for refugees, victims of war, the most disadvantaged children. It would not be surprising if they became champions of trans minors – in Spain, they are, for example, Nacho Vidal and his transgender son – but, to date, they have not done so . And less using his daughter as an example.
Shiloh Jolie Pitt & family

Right now, little we really know about what Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is up to. Maybe she is on vacation, maybe she is accompanying one of her parents on a shoot in a remote destination -or not so much-. It’s all speculation. But little else can we speculate without getting into sensitive issues about who she is nothing more than a minor . The issue was committed enough not to take it for granted without a reliable source -statements to People , a statement from the representatives, an open letter from the parents to some media.
As we said, we have no idea what She is doing at this very moment, but we can almost certainly say that he has access to the internet and social networks . We don’t want to imagine the reaction of an 11-year-old girl who might read something like that about her, whether it’s false or not. What if she was undergoing this complicated hormonal process and suddenly saw that half the world was talking about it, when she would prefer to keep it private?
Children, famous or not, are still children. And, as such, they deserve respect . Posting ‘white’ information like that North West has worn a Balenciaga jacket (something real and that her own mother will have shared) or that Blue Ivy is the spitting image of her mother is one thing. But to speak of something like a gender transition without the interested parties themselves having confirmed it is to cross a very dangerous line in matters of intimacy and, above all, of consideration.