Jump rope Games workout to strengthen and sculpt you

Jump rope is a great sport for getting out of a routine and working effectively. She is also the best ally of boxers to prepare physically, dry off and strengthen. Here is a simple and effective workout.

The benefits of skipping rope

The jump rope Games is a very complete sport. By jumping in place, we stimulate almost all the muscles of the body: the legs, thighs, glutes, arms but also the abdominal strap and the back. With each jump, we tone them up and sculpt them in depth.

The jump rope also allows you to work on your endurance. We strengthen our cardiovascular system, and therefore our heart. This sport is also very effective in losing weight. The effort required of our body is very intense. We will therefore draw on our reserves and burn more calories than our usual sport. It is also used by boxers to lose weight before their fight.

When jumping, the calves contract and massage the deep veins. This boosts blood circulation and promotes venous return. At each jump, we will also apply all the tissues, especially in the thighs and buttocks. The skin is toned and the installation of cellulite is reduced.

This sport also helps to strengthen your balance, proprioception and agility. In short, an interesting sport to integrate into your sports routine.

What training?

The skipping rope is generally practiced in 2 or 5 minute increments. The ideal is to perform a 15-minute session, 3 times a week. But if you have already done skipping rope, you know that it is not easy to hold 15 minutes in a row because the effort required is very intense and if the exercise is not varied, it can very quickly become off-putting.

Here is a jump rope workout accessible to all levels, easy to set up and fun. For this workout, you just need to do these four steps.

Step 1: Jump rope Games

Course: 2 sets of 2 minutes of skipping rope, changing the rhythm. During the 2 minutes, alternate 30 seconds of very fast jumps with 30 seconds of slower jumps to recover. Between the two sessions, do 1 minute of recovery. Do not hesitate to alternate between jumps feet together and jumps alternating feet.

Benefits: by alternating very intense work phases with calmer phases, you will draw on your reserves and burn more fat. You will also strengthen your heart and improve your stamina.

Exercise duration: 5 minutes

Step 2: Sheathing

– 1 minute of sheathing in the center
– 30 seconds of sheathing in side plank on the right
– 30 seconds of sheathing in side plank on the left

Benefits: These core exercises will effectively strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Exercise duration: 2 minutes

Step 3: Leg lift

– 1 minute right leg lift
– 1 minute left leg lift

Benefit: this exercise allows you to work and strengthen your glutes.

Exercise duration : 2 minutes

Step 4: 2 minute recovery

What duration? You can perform the workout with only the jump rope part, or supplement it with the strengthening exercises to have a more complete and effective session.

Timing side, depending on your form, here are 3 levels:

Level 1: perform the sequence 2x
Duration = 22 minutes

Level 2: 3x the sequence
Duration = 33 minutes

Level 3: 4x the sequence
Duration = 44 minutes